

ClickComments 更新:自訂更貼身的圖示組合

ClickComments 又有新功能!


從"Edit Blog Information"的"Comment Set"可看出,有三個組合可供選擇,第一個是只有正面評價;第二個則包含了正面和反面評價;第二個是只有反面評價(應該較少人選吧!?)


還有的是,當讀者按下某個評價文章的按鈕後,就會出現擁有相應評價的其它文章,方便讀者閱讀 Blog 內的可能有興趣的文章,從而增加讀者的閱讀量。

這個消息是從剛收到的 postreach 寄來的電郵得知的:


Thanks for using ClickComments! Based on your feedback, we have some hot
new features: recommendations, new icons and customization.

Our new recommendation feature tells readers about your other posts that
might interest them. This should keep them on your blog longer.

We have reduced the number of icons based on reader feedback. We have
also introduced optional negative icons. You can also customize the color
of the ClickComments box. Just log in and click on ‘Blog Info’.

The ClickComments you have accrued on discontinued icons have been moved
over to the newer set of icons. That means you did not loose any

The bad news is that we are discontinuing PostReach GuestPosts. In its
place, we expect the ClickComments recommendations feature to drive more
traffic on your blog.

Keep blogging,
The PostReach team


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